A downloadable mod

This mod adds Guts and Griffith for you to play as.  I worked backwards off of royceu's "Gale" for the most part, I know for a fact the code still includes references to their work, as it provided me the much needed framework to create these. The code for not being able to drop weapons comes from nuclearlala's "Baldi."

Probably not the most balanced mod ever made, but I think they are quite fun to play as.

Included are two skins for each character, their weapons, and a main.txt to load easily.

Their playstyles are as follows:


- Is slightly faster than normal. (4.05)

- Has 10 HP instead  of 8.

- Has his arm cannon, which is activated by right clicking. It launches a blood grenade towards the cursor. This reloads over time, playing a sound when it is ready to be used. The damage also scales with your level.

- Is limited to his repeating crossbow and dragon slayer

- His repeating crossbow is a fast firing side arm. Its damage and fire rate both scale with your level.

- His dragon slayer is a devastating melee weapon. It has a large range and deals a lot of damage, but swings quite slow. Both the damage and the swing speed scale with your level.

- Skin 1 is his black swordsman arc outfit, skin 2 is the berserker armor.

- Throne butt: Makes the arm cannon also fire a blood slash, causing it to reflect projectiles, as well as dealing double damage to enemies who are hit with both the slash and grenade. In addition, it reduces the reload speed of the cannon.

- Ultra one:  Excessive Gunpowder - Makes the arm cannon stronger, but increases the reload speed.

- Ultra two:  Speed Loader - Greatly decreases the reload speed.

- Back muscle: Guts can only carry 1 of each ammo, except for bolts which he can carry 100 of.  Back muscle increases this to 200.

- Long arms:  Also increases the size of the blood slash his throne butt grants.


- Is faster than normal. (4.10)

- Has 6 HP instead of 8.

- Is limited to only his falchion.

- Has his falchion. His primary attack is a quick thrust. Both its damage and thrusting speed scale with your level.

- His right click is a powerful slash from his falchion. A sound effect is played when it is ready again. The damage of this scales with your level.

- Skin 1 is his outfit at the end of the golden age arc , skin 2 is Femto.

- Throne butt: His slash becomes stronger, with a lower cooldown.

- Ultra one: Swifter Slash - His slash becomes stronger, with a lower cool down. This stacks with throne butt.

- Ultra two: Faster Thrust - The thrust of the falchion becomes stronger. This is done by replacing the falchion with the "ultra falchion"

- Long arms: Increases the range of your right click slash, as well as the regular effects of long arms.


Guts and Griffith for NTT.zip 124 kB


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